Saturday, 24 December 2016

Let me tell you a story of boy in the Christmas.

Once upon a time there was a boy in a distant land in somewhere northern hemisphere.
he desperately wanted a bicycle for Christmas gift. so he wrote a letter in advance to Santa a few week earlier to Christmas Eve stating.

"Dear Santa
I am a bad kid, but i promise to be good
if you give  me a new bicycle for this Christmas.
thank you"

And he waited for the time till Christmas Eve ,then on the Christmas day he checked all his place but did not find the bicycle.
He Wrote a letter to God now.

"Dear GOD
i promised Santa that i will be a good kid but
he did not give me a bicycle so I am not talking to you
because i know he is your delivery-man
Thank you"

when he was about to put the letter in the letter-box, realized a mistake.
that he already mentioned that he will be a good boy so he threw the letter and wrote a new.

Dear GOD
i promised Santa i will be a good kid but
you did not give me a bicycle so I am not talking to you. 
but i can talk to you if you give me before new year
Thank you"

Then he waited till new year and when he did not get his gift he wrote a letter and
now he promised himself that he Will be a bad boy until his wishes are not granted
and went on to the church and takes away a statue of Mother Marry.

His letter.

"Dear God
it has been a week but you did not granted my wish.
So I have Kidnapped your Mother, come with my cycle and take your mother back
Deal Or no deal, it's up to you God.

The Storyteller/Facebook

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